
September is National Suicide Prevention Month: Recognizing warning signs and identifying treatment options

September is National Suicide Prevention Month and is an important chance for each of us to understand how suicidal thoughts can be identified, prevented, and treated.  The resounding theme of National Suicide Prevention Month is to provide support and compassion to those struggling with mental health conditions or life circumstances…

What is passive suicidal ideation? Understanding signs, risks, and treatment

While people experiencing active suicidal ideation usually have the intent, plan, or means to harm themselves, people experiencing passive suicidal ideation usually have thoughts of suicide but without the intent to follow through.  While passive suicidal thoughts may sound less severe than active ones, they are undoubtedly upsetting. It’s also…

If you have suicidal thoughts, get professional help immediately—also, open up to loved ones, acknowledge difficult feelings, and ground yourself

Every year, suicide is in the top 20 leading causes of death worldwide for people of all ages. If suicide or any form of self-harm is on your mind, please take the following actions, starting with contacting a crisis hotline or medical professional: 1) Get professional help right now. First and…

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