
Histrionic personality disorder: Common characteristics and effective treatment

Many mental health conditions and disorders can influence emotions and emotional stability, including histrionic personality disorder. Histrionic personality disorder involves a pattern of excessive sensitivity and attention-seeking behavior, sometimes causing people with the disorder to go to extreme lengths to garner attention for themselves. There are a few ways to…

The Three Levels of Autism

When it comes to diagnosing autism, several distinctions are made by clinicians, which separate the disorder into the three levels of autism. This condition is recognized as a spectrum disorder. The purpose of delineating these levels is to provide clinicians with insight into the severity of symptoms and the level…

Understanding autism therapy services

Autism is a neurological difference that affects 2.2% of the general population in the U.S. While living with autism does not prevent anyone from having a rich and meaningful life, the stigma that continues to plague the diagnosis of autism still leads many people to have incorrect ideas about what…

Understanding and overcoming personality disorders through therapy

Personality disorders can be multi-faceted, highly-individualized conditions that affect each person uniquely. But at Thriveworks, we understand this complexity— and that’s why we believe in the pivotal role that personality disorder therapy plays in treatment. Our specialized therapists offer tailored and compassionate interventions, aiming to support individuals in navigating these…

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