
Can depression cause fever and other flu-like symptoms? How to tell the difference between depression and the flu

Depression is characterized by, well, a depressed state. Those who develop the condition present this state of despair as well as a loss of interest or pleasure in day to day life. The remaining characteristics can vary… and be mistaken for another illness entirely—the flu. This makes distinguishing the difference…

Are grief and depression the same? Severe grief puts you at a heightened risk of developing depression (Updated)

While the two often blur together, there is a difference between grief and depression. Technically speaking, bereavement (loss and grief) can last for up to 6 months before it turns into a diagnoseable depression. That being said, the grieving process does oftentimes last longer than 6 months—still, you should watch…

Here are 3 resources in the digital age for adolescents suffering with depression

It’s often scary to be diagnosed with depression or experience depressive thoughts, but it can be especially frightening for teens. Fortunately, there are helpful resources readily available to teens on their smartphones. Resources include depression discussion guides, crisis text lines, and an app that comes with a depression test and…

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