
Understanding attachment styles and their impact on relationships

Attachment styles are emotional bonding patterns originating from early interactions and relationships with primary caregivers. Though these patterns are not always readily noticeable, they can significantly influence adult relationships by shaping expectations and behaviors toward intimacy, connection, and dependency. Everyone has an attachment style—some are healthy and secure, while others…

What is an emotional affair?

Romantic partnerships thrive on trust, intimacy, and honesty. When something starts to infringe on or inhibit that in a relationship, it can threaten its well-being. Though physically cheating is one of the most talked about ways that such trust gets broken, emotional affairs should also be taken into account. An…

Petulant borderline personality disorder (BPD): Signs, causes, treatment options, and more

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex and multifaceted mental health condition known for its diverse symptoms. While it affects individuals differently, a subset of BPD patients exhibit distinctive behavior patterns characteristic of what is commonly referred to as “petulant BPD.”  This variant presents a unique challenge for both clinicians…

“I have no desire for my husband”: What to do when you drift apart from your spouse

Relationships can provide numerous benefits—support, love, acceptance, belonging, companionship, and understanding, to name a few. However, they don’t come without their hardships. As time passes, people change, and sometimes it can be difficult to adapt to those changes when you see them in your partner or even yourself. If you…

How to gain someone’s trust back: Manageable steps for rebuilding security and stability in relationships

To make mistakes is to be human—but when our actions result in us hurting someone we’re close to, it’s possible to lose their trust. And odds are, if you’re reading this, you’ve either lost someone’s trust, or are searching for ways to forgive someone for something they’ve done to you….

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