suicidal thoughts

September is National Suicide Prevention Month: Recognizing warning signs and identifying treatment options

September is National Suicide Prevention Month and is an important chance for each of us to understand how suicidal thoughts can be identified, prevented, and treated.  The resounding theme of National Suicide Prevention Month is to provide support and compassion to those struggling with mental health conditions or life circumstances…

LGBTQIA+ counseling: The importance of inclusive counseling services

The LGBTQIA+ community is a diverse group of individuals — specifically, those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, and a host of other identities. Despite outdated perceptions and unwarranted prejudice from others, cultural norms are shifting and society is becoming increasingly supportive of the community, thanks in…

World Mental Health Day: A time to raise awareness for and prioritize mental health

Just as physical health is supported by proper diet, exercise, and rest, our mental health is just as multi-faceted. Mental health consists of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.  In recognition of the importance of mental health awareness and treatment, World Mental Health Day is celebrated annually on October 10th….

What is passive suicidal ideation? Understanding signs, risks, and treatment

While people experiencing active suicidal ideation usually have the intent, plan, or means to harm themselves, people experiencing passive suicidal ideation usually have thoughts of suicide but without the intent to follow through.  While passive suicidal thoughts may sound less severe than active ones, they are undoubtedly upsetting. It’s also…

A blueprint for understanding major depressive disorder (MDD)

Major depression disorder (MDD) is a mental health condition that impacts emotional well-being and can cause severe functional consequences in daily life. MDD is also called clinical depression, major depression, and unipolar depression (to distinguish it from bipolar depression caused by bipolar disorder). In Ancient Greece, depression was called melancholia,…

Can depression cause fever and other flu-like symptoms? How to tell the difference between depression and the flu

Depression is characterized by, well, a depressed state. Those who develop the condition present this state of despair as well as a loss of interest or pleasure in day to day life. The remaining characteristics can vary… and be mistaken for another illness entirely—the flu. This makes distinguishing the difference…

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