social media

Understanding trauma dumping: Communication strategies and professional support

Trauma dumping refers to a situation where an individual shares their traumatic experiences in an overwhelming, often boundary-violating manner without the listener’s consent. While it’s not  always intentional, trauma dumping typically crosses interpersonal boundaries and may cause the listener to feel overwhelmed or trapped.  Learn more about how to spot…

Election stress disorder: Navigating negativity, news alerts, social media feuds, and misinformation

Ruthless attacks on both sides of the political aisle, in hopes of persuading voters. Nonstop alerts about the latest campaign news, like who’s projected to win the election or who has had the latest political blunder. Fights between “friends,” for all of Facebook and Twitter to see. Misinformation that begs…

How to talk to someone with differing political views: 6 tips for navigating political conversations

During election season, headlines and ads about candidates fill our feeds. Emails about voter registration swarm our inboxes. Political opinions dominate our conversations. Arguments flood our social media accounts and more importantly, our relationships. And whether we like it or not, politics are on our minds. There are some people…

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