
The complex relationship between depression and sleep: Insights and solutions

Depression has many noticeable symptoms, including feelings of hopelessness, changes in appetite, and difficulty concentrating. One of the more impactful depression symptoms is sleep disturbances. Those struggling with depression may sleep too much or not enough, and these sleep disturbances can exacerbate other depression symptoms. Read on to learn more…

What are some helpful journal prompts for anxiety and depression? The benefits of journaling and 5 journaling prompts for mental health

Journaling is a powerful tool. It serves as an outlet, allowing us to express our emotions and process our thoughts without fear of judgment — there is no need or temptation to censor ourselves when we’re writing to and for nobody but ourselves. What a gift. And yet, for some,…

Depressive disorders: Definition, types, and contributing factors

Known more commonly and collectively as depression, depressive disorders are a set of closely related mental health conditions that affect a person’s mood, energy, nervous system, sleep cycles, biochemistry, and even brain waves. There’s little in an individual’s daily life that depressive disorders won’t affect—but other than a shared capacity…

What does it feel like to have bipolar disorder? Firsthand accounts of the bipolar experience

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder characterized by extreme fluctuations in mood. These emotional shifts may take place over the course of hours, weeks, or months, and are often accompanied by drastic changes in behavior and functioning.  There are three main types of bipolar disorder. People with bipolar I (type…

How to have a creative renaissance! (Even when you have artistic burnout. And kids. In a pandemic. When everything is awful.)

For every Taylor Swift flourishing artistically during the pandemic, there are millions of suffering and burnt-out people who aren’t composing songs or painting portraits or writing novels. What have they been doing instead? Well, if they’re anything like me, they’ve been drowning in domestic labor, work, anxiety, childcare, and other…

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