
Do you feel drained by negative news headlines? Learn to cope with news fatigue and cut back on doomscrolling

Your shoulders are hunched and your breathing is shallow, thumb propelling you through a dismal newsfeed with expert strokes. Each headline spells disaster for another city, species, or group of people, and we sink a little deeper into the tarpit known as doomscrolling. It’s a familiar scene: Whatever you name…

Mental health is trending: We are crushing the negative stigma surrounding mental illness and opening up about our problems

People are starting to feel more comfortable opening up about their mental health problems, and in turn, crushing the negative stigma that surrounds mental illness. No one is immune to mental health disorders: for example, big name celebrities and athletes struggle too and are sharing their experiences. Mental health is…

Do violent video games really cause aggressive behavior? Despite popular belief, research says gaming does not influence behavior change

You’ve heard it many times before: “Violent video games spark aggressive behavior in players and lead to violence in real life…” But, have you ever stopped to look at the facts and consider the validity of this statement? Heather Ness, a psychology professor and blogger who specializes in the psychology…

How counseling, counselors are portrayed in the media

Despite the credentials, skills, and experience mental health professionals possess, they are often depicted as unprofessional, unhelpful, and unqualified. In many TV shows and movies, the characters who play counselors or therapists are often portrayed as unprofessional and emotional: they engage in unprofessional relationships with their clients and let their…

Here are 3 resources in the digital age for adolescents suffering with depression

It’s often scary to be diagnosed with depression or experience depressive thoughts, but it can be especially frightening for teens. Fortunately, there are helpful resources readily available to teens on their smartphones. Resources include depression discussion guides, crisis text lines, and an app that comes with a depression test and…

When Social Media Makes You Sad

We’re all guilty of it—scrolling enviously through our feeds, staring at all the pretty pictures and reading about our friends’ “glamorous” lives. But here’s the thing: the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Have you ever heard someone refer to social media as a highlight reel? This means…

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