
What to know about dating someone with bipolar disorder: Offering support, empathy, and setting your limits

Being in a romantic relationship has its ups and downs. But what about dating someone who has a mental health condition like bipolar disorder?  As it so happens, dating someone with bipolar disorder I or II may not be so different from dating anyone else. Although it’s true that people…

Retroactive jealousy in relationships: What it is, plus causes and treatments

We all get jealous occasionally—but retroactive jealousy can make someone start obsessing over their partner’s romantic past. Retroactive jealousy, also known as Rebecca syndrome, can be so intense that it can derail a person’s relationship, mental health, and ability to trust others.  Although this type of relationship anxiety can warp…

Why do people cheat? How to recognize the signs and deal with a cheating partner

Infidelity, or cheating, is one of the leading causes of relationship strain—with more than 60% of divorced couples citing infidelity as a reason for their divorce [1]. Engaging in physical or emotional intimacy with someone outside the relationship can breach trust and cause sometimes irreparable damage to a relationship’s foundation….

Understanding attachment styles and their impact on relationships

Attachment styles are emotional bonding patterns originating from early interactions and relationships with primary caregivers. Though these patterns are not always readily noticeable, they can significantly influence adult relationships by shaping expectations and behaviors toward intimacy, connection, and dependency. Everyone has an attachment style—some are healthy and secure, while others…

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