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Counseling for men—It’s okay to ask for help

Counseling for men—It’s okay to ask for help

  • It’s difficult for many people to admit they need help and then to actually seek out that help—it’s sometimes even more difficult for men.
  • That said, it’s important that men (as well as women) ask for and seek professional mental health help when they need it, as counseling can help individuals address and manage a wide variety of challenges.
  • There are specific techniques used in counseling to help men feel more comfortable discussing the challenge at hand: first, being open about the process and giving the client control can help.
  • Additionally, humor can help men open up in counseling and even gain a different perspective on the issue they are experiencing.
  • Finally, goal-focused approaches are often effective in counseling for men, as they tend to prefer measurable goals and objectives so as to ease into vulnerability.

It is hard to admit, but sometimes, we need to ask for help. We need to admit that we can’t do everything and that we need counseling. As a guy, I know how hard it can be to ask for help. I don’t like to ask for help fixing my car, let alone fixing a problem with myself. Counseling for men can be the perfect place to face issues you’ve had for a while, or issues that you recently developed. Counseling for men can solve a lot of problems: whether you are struggling with insecurities, need relationship advice, have anger problems, or are dealing with other issues, working with a counselor can prove helpful. Here’s a look at the techniques your counselor might use to help you:

1. Honesty and control

First, being forthcoming about what counseling does or might entail can help men feel more comfortable. “One of the reasons that men feel threatened by the vulnerability of counseling is due to the fact that they don’t understand the counseling process. In an attempt to help, counselors should try to be open about the steps that are in place for treatment. Asking them if they would like to know how the treatment process works creates a sense of trust between counselor and client, which allows them to open up more readily,” Adina Mahalli, Master Social Worker, explains. Additionally, counselor can help their male clients by surrendering control (or at least alluding to the surrender of control) whenever possible and appropriate: “A lack of control often holds men back from the treatment process. Wherever possible, counselors should try to present the stages of treatment in the form of a choice (even when there might not actually be one). This gives men a sense of control over how the treatment will unfold, which reduces arguments or confrontation regarding the counseling process,” says Mahalli. 

2. Humor

Humor can also help men to feel more comfortable and open up in counseling. It’s Licensed Psychologist Dr. Angela Johnson’s go-to: “It is true that culturally, men have been taught to suppress their emotional expression and often compensate by using their intellect and reasoning as their primary approach to solving problems. Given this, my go-to technique for working with men is often humor. For example, in a men’s anger management group I recently led, one of the gentlemen was discussing an incident where he was furious that a taxi tried to cut him off. He fumed and kept the driver from moving over in front of him until the last possible minute. He then confessed that this incident bothered him for hours afterward as he replayed it in his mind. I paused after he spoke and asked with faux-innocence, ‘So, why didn’t you just let him in?’ he and the other men in the group burst out laughing. I responded, ‘Oh, right. That obviously was not an option.’ This paradoxical look at a typical situation that evokes anger allowed the men to see it for what it was—just a choice that the guy made that changed nothing (the driver cut over anyway) and led to the man feeling angry and upset long after the incident occurred.”

3. Goal-focused approaches

Finally, techniques that are rooted in one’s goals are often successful when it comes to counseling for men. “In my experience working with male clients, I have found the most effective method to be a goal-oriented and solution-focused approach with concrete and measurable goals and objectives,” explains James Killian, Licensed Professional Counselor. “I find this to be especially effective if implemented right away. Of course, this is a generalization, but often men struggle with vulnerability early on in the therapeutic process and respond better to this type of approach. Typically, after they experience some progress, they are more comfortable opening up and exploring some emotional aspect of their struggles.”


Counseling for Men in McDonough, GA­—Counselors and Therapists at Thriveworks

Men facing emotional and life challenges may not outwardly express how they feel or what they are thinking and seek out support on their own. The stigma surrounding therapy and the idea of adopting a tough masculine approach to your problems, prevent many individuals from seeking the assistance they need and deserve. While most men invest in their physical health, it is their emotional well-being that often falls by the wayside and tends to become bottled up. Unfortunately, a failure to manage these emotions and find help, can slowly filter into your personal and professional interactions, behaviors and thoughts. Understanding how powerful counseling for men can be will help you make an informed decision for your long-term well-being.

Time to See a Therapist

Depression, anxiety, and stress are common reasons why men seek professional support. Chronic sadness, supressed anger and unexpected life challenges can make it hard to live a fulfilling and balanced state of mind.

For family men and older adults, the pressures of maintaining financial status, a future retirement and personal losses can quickly make it difficult to cope.

Issues of intimacy, loss of a loved one, and career changes are all possible factors that influence a healthy mind. When you fail to take note of the areas in your life affecting your mental wellness, the result includes mental and physical distress. Ongoing stress is a major contributor of hypertension while depression can include insomnia, poor eating habits and ongoing lethargy.

When your attempts to manage your difficulties are failing to improve your life, it is time to seek the aid of a therapist. Should you reach out to loved ones, a local parish or confidante and not find the answers you are looking for; professional counselling for men can provide a trained and experienced approach to help you. The purpose of therapy is to introduce the steps you can take to live a healthier life, to cope with perceived challenges and manage the depression, stress or anxiety limiting your well-being. Your trusted practitioner can assist with spousal issues, relationship difficulties, career concerns and matters influencing your ability to find happiness and balance.

When you meet with your Thriveworks McDonough male counseling expert, all personal information shared during the initial consultation will remain confidential. It is important to be open and honest with your counselor to really experience the benefits and tools therapy can provide.

What You Can Expect From Therapy

A therapist will work with you to create individualized goals and a strategy to achieve these goals. Sessions are usually held weekly, and most clients are provided small tasks to perform at home or in their personal lives to bring about positive change.

Why Seek Therapy

Thriveworks McDonough counseling for men involves a specific approach to tackle and manage the issues that men find difficult to cope with or come to terms with. It introduces strategies and mental direction that influences the way situations are perceived and handled. With the aid of a counselor, you can free yourself from the stigmas, emotional confinements and difficulties that are negatively impacting your life.

For professional counseling services, Thriveworks Counseling and Coaching – McDonough offers complete therapeutic plans, goal creation and support for all men. Call us today at 678-853-5849 to schedule an appointment!



Counseling for Men – Therapists, Coaches and Counselors in Littleton

Strong, silent, hard working, tough. These are words often used to describe men with admirable qualities in society. You will notice that this list does not include words like, empathetic, good communicator, in touch with feelings. These are traits that are more often used to describe women. These differences can lead to problems when men are faced with emotional difficulties or psychological challenges in life. The tendency that many men have is to ignore the emotional ramifications, move on as quickly as possible, and rarely talk about the situation. While this is practical in many scenarios, and can be used as a defense mechanism, it is not healthy for long term emotional stability.

Men are often more focused on their career, spend long hours at the office or at work, and put themselves, or their families, second or third. At Thriveworks Littleton, we understand how hard it can be to take time out of your busy schedule, take a second, and evaluate your life and overall health. Many men prioritize physicals, take vitamins, and try to make it to the gym, but never give a thought to their emotional health. This is an unhealthy pattern that is likely to cause repercussions later in life. Let the experienced counselors at Thriveworks Littleton help you create a better way to live. With attention and care to your emotional health, you can thrive and achieve even more.

Thriveworks Littleton counselors and therapists are leaders in their field. They are ready to put their expertise to work for you. Whether you are looking for life coaching, marriage counseling, help for depression or anxiety, or any other area of counseling, we can match you with an experienced counselor that will be honored to walk with you on this journey of growth and healing. We offer evening and weekend sessions, and we accept most major insurances.

When you are ready to get to work, we are ready to join you. Call Thriveworks Littleton today. Let’s get started.


Counseling for Men — Therapists, Counselors, and Life Coaches in Bristol, VA

Men and women are equal in many ways, but sometimes they have very different needs in counseling. The same traits that make men strong and capable, can also hinder them when attempting to communicate and express their feelings.

The counseling needs of men vary from person to person. But there are some areas with which men struggle more often than their female counterparts. At Thriveworks Bristol, we understand the unique needs of men. We can help you understand your goals for therapy or counseling, create a plan for our time together, and then help you work towards personal progress.

Some areas of counseling that may be helpful for men include:

  • Life coaching
  • Career counseling
  • Sex addiction and sexual issues
  • Substance abuse
  • Marriage and family therapy
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Divorce recovery

This is just the beginning of the ways in which we have helped clients. You may be unsure of why you feel the need to pursue counseling, but simply feel stagnated in life, unable to even understand the source of your discontentment. We understand this feeling and have counselors standing by, ready to walk with you on this journey.

At Thriveworks Bristol, we often have appointments available for new clients within a week of your first call. Reach out to get started—or simply book online.


Counseling for Men — Therapists and Counselors in Knoxville, TN

Every person that comes to counseling is unique and has individualized needs. People of different ages present differently in counseling. Similarly, men and women have unique and specialized needs for counseling. Although men and women may need counseling in the same area, such as for depression or anxiety, the way that they present this issue, and also the way that they recover and process it, is distinct.

At Thriveworks Knoxville, we understand the unique needs of men in counseling. We understand that the same qualities that may help you at work may hinder you in your emotional health. Being strong and silent may be prized among men in society, but it often can also lead to the stifling of emotions and avoiding true feelings. If you think you’d benefit from counseling, consider reaching out to Thriveworks Knoxville for help. We have therapists who specialist in counseling for men’s issues.

Common Men’s Issues

There are many different areas in which men seek counseling. Some of these may include:

  • Substance abuse
  • Sexual issues
  • Divorce
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship issues

This is by no means an exhaustive list. We will work with you to determine your needs for counseling, create a plan for measuring progress, and then walk with you along the way.

Scheduling Counseling for Men’s Issues at Thriveworks Knoxville

At Thriveworks Knoxville, we never operate with a waiting list. We understand that it can be difficult to make that first call for help. The last thing you want to hear when you call is that the first available appointment is in a few weeks. We often have appointments available for new clients within the week. We are ready when you need us.

Call Thriveworks Knoxville today. It would be our honor to walk with you on this journey of growth and healing.


Counseling for Men – Therapists, Coaches and Counselors in Peachtree City

Thriveworks counselors in Peachtree City can help you break this cycle. We can help you recognize strength in excellent mental health.

Thriveworks Peachtree City counselors are prepared to help you with the many issues that men may experience.  Some of these include:

  • Addictions
  • Career counseling
  • Marriage and couples counseling
  • Life coaching
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief counseling
  • Workaholism

This is just a partial list of the ways in which we can be of assistance. We are ready and able to help you deal with whatever issue you are facing.

Perhaps you are simply feeling as if you could be able to function and thrive more in life. Thriveworks Peachtree City counselors will help you identify your goals, strengths, weaknesses, and identify the best process for change. We will help you measure progress and identify impediments to change.

At Thriveworks Peachtree City, we can help you to address men’s issues and gender-specific stressors and challenges you may be facing. Call Thriveworks Peachtree City today, or schedule online to begin your mental health journey.


Counseling and Therapy for Men in Conway, AR—Counselors and Therapists

Men and women are equal, but they are not at all the same. Both genders have unique ways of dealing with issues and communicating their thoughts and emotions. Men have a lot of demands on their time. Work, family, friends, health, hobbies; the list goes on and on. Men are taught from a young age to be strong and mostly silent about any emotional issues they may be facing. This is so common that men often do not develop their communication and coping skills. When an emotional issue arises, men may be completely unprepared to face it and move forward in a healthy manner.

If you are looking for counseling for men in Conway, look no further; Thriveworks Conway counselors are ready to help. Our counselors are sensitive to the needs of men.

Common Men’s Issues

There are many issues that affect men, such as:

  • Addiction
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and panic disorders
  • Grief counseling
  • Career counseling
  • Sexual issues
  • Workaholism
  • Marriage and couples counseling

Even if you do not see your particular issue on the list, we are available to help. It can be difficult to determine how exactly you need help, but you know you are not functioning at your highest level. We can help you determine your need, make a plan for moving forward, and walk with you on this journey.

Schedule Counseling for Men at Thriveworks Conway

Thriveworks counselors in Conway are experts in their field. Unlike many counseling offices, Thriveworks Conway does not operate with a waiting list. Plus, we offer evening and weekend sessions, and accept most major insurances.

Call Thriveworks Conway today. Let’s get to work.


Counseling and Therapy for Men – Therapists in Grand Rapids, Forest Hills

In today’s age, men are required to be strong and sensitive. This usually requires ignoring your own needs and being aware of the feeling and emotions of those around you. Men need to be excellent at their job, in good shape, have lots of great friends, be a wonderful family man and a caring and sensitive spouse or partner.

At Thriveworks Grand Rapids, we understand how challenging this can be, and have counselors that are able to help men process their unique needs in therapy. If you think you could benefit from men’s counseling, reach out to Thriveworks Grand Rapids today.

Services Men and Others Can Benefit From

There are many areas in which men may need counseling, such as:

  • Addictions
  • Life coaching
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Grief counseling
  • Couples counseling
  • Career counseling
  • Sexual issues
  • Workaholism

This is just a partial list, and you may not see your need given here. However, Thriveworks Grand Rapids, Forest Hills men’s counselors can help you process your feelings and emotions, and determine how to best move forward. We will create a plan of action together, and walk with you in the journey of change and progress.

Schedule Men’s Counseling at Thriveworks Grand Rapids

Unlike many offices, at Thriveworks Grand Rapids, Forest Hills, we have appointments available for new clients within the week. We also offer evening and weekend sessions, and we accept most major insurances. At Thriveworks Grand Rapids, we are ready when you need us.

Call Thriveworks today. Let’s get to work.

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